Thumb/Finger Sucking, Nail Biting, & Pacifier Programs

At SDCST, our Orofacial Myologists have developed the most successful programs to help stop thumb/finger sucking, nail biting, and pacifier use. Our Orofacial Myologists are also Speech-Language Pathologists and value the importance of helping your child achieve success stopping these behaviors. Our Thumbs Up! program has been used for close to 40 years with complete success. Our approach is positive, friendly, fun, easy, and extremely rewarding, and your child will be proud of his/her accomplishments! We will work closely with you and your family to ensure your child’s success.
Often times when there is a prolonged sucking habit or other oral habit, there are also concomitant orofacial myofunctional problem. Sucking habits and other habits cause the muscles of the mouth to develop differently. Often times, myofunctional therapy may also be necessary to rehabilitate the muscles after a prolonged sucking habit has been stopped. Sucking habits such as thumb or finger sucking can affect body and mind contributing to physical, emotional and social complications while incorporating structural, functional, and chemical components.

Structural Changes:
• The most common: cross-bite, excessive overjet, open bite
• The roof of mouth growing vertically instead of horizontally and vaulting
• If the palate narrows the nasal cavity and sinus may become narrow and shallow
• With structural changes and inadequate room for the tongue to rest the tongue will compensate and adapt by moving down and forward
• With structure changes and low forward tongue rest posture the dental freeway space opens beyond its normal range, disrupting normal dental development and possible abnormal changes in jaw growth.

Functional Changes:
As this open mouth forward rest posture of the tongue habituates functions compensate and adapt triggering changes in functions.
•Changes in chewing patterns
•Changes in speech production
•Changes in swallowing patterns
•Changes in breathing patterns

Chemical Changes:
•If this non-nutritive action persists and becomes automatic, a habit can form, and this pattern may become chronic and detrimental. Neurotransmitters are released with this stimulation which can cause an addictive behavior producing feelings of calm, pleasure, comfort and relaxation.

NOTE: Recent research has shown that there is a high correlation between sucking habits and tongue tie or airway dysfunction, and we assess for these components – we don’t just treat the habit, we address the underlying cause.

•As professionals our goal is to achieve long term successful thumb elimination. Recognizing and understanding all aspects of the habit is the first step.

•We have specialized thumb, finger, and other oral habit programs to help your child quit easily and effectively! Take it out of your hands and into ours. We are here to help!

Click here to read more about Myofunctional Issues/Services.