120 C Avenue, Unit 110, San Diego, 92118
(***Located inside Water & Sports Physical Therapy***)
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Before & After Photos
Getting the lips closed at rest and establishing nasal breathing is one of the most important necessities for proper facial and dental development as well as overall health and breathing. In addition to resolving mouth breathing and resting with the mouth open, getting the tongue to rest and function within the mouth is also paramount to proper oral development.
Sucking habits such as thumb sucking, finger sucking, nail biting, prolonged pacifier use, and even sippy cup use can negatively affect the development of the mouth including displacing the teeth, narrowing the palate, and changing the positioning and muscle development of the tongue. Sucking behaviors such as those listed above cause the tongue to function and rest low in the mouth while strengthening the muscles of the tongue that push the tongue down and forward (i.e., tongue thrust). Sucking habits can cause the palate to narrow, the nasal airway to decrease in size, the lips to rest open, can inhibit the eruption of teeth, and therefore potentially lead to issues with feeding, drooling, choking, correct chewing and swallowing patterns, health (as germs are introduced in the mouth), snoring, and on-going mouth breathing issues. Often times the oral muscles must be rehabilitated and proper functioning restored with myofunctional therapy when a suckiing habit has been present.
Below are BEFORE and AFTER pictures of our patients after our Finger Sucking program.
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